Global Learning Community
in Southeast Asia

Sophia Global Education and Discovery Co., Ltd. is Sophia University’s first overseas company in Bangkok, Thailand.
The company acts is a connecting hub for Japan and the ASEAN region in terms of education and research.

We cooperate with many educational institutions, private companies, government agencies, and international organizations to deliver high-quality study programs. In addition, we also support exchange study programs, internship programs and higher education networking. 

Through education and training programs, the company aims to promote students mobility and develop human resources with high social awareness for our sustainable future.

Message from Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Yasushi Hirosato, Managing Director

Sophia Global Education and Discovery ( Sophia GED) , having its base in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, aims to serve a new pillar for creating global campus originated from Sophia University in the ASEAN Community being integrated rapidly through dynamic changes including free flow of capital, goods, services, information, and labor force. 
Sophia GED will deliver field-based, attractive education and training programs not only in Thailand, but also in Japan and Southeast Asia, so that will create a global learning community to develop our sustainable future.